The following example demonstrates direct I/O programming - it writes 1024 byte record on unit 0 of TM11 magnetic tape: 10 INT MTC:172522,MTCMA:172526,MTBRC:172524 ! TM11 Registers 20 BYTE BUF(1023) ! Our buffer is 1024 bytes 30 MTCMA=#BUF ! Current memory address register points to our buffer 40 MTBRC=-1024 ! Set byte count as negative 50 MTC=60005B ! Issue command: WRITE+GO unit 0 60 WHILE MTC%>0 \ ENDW ! Wait for completion (bit 7) Note: % used to force BYTE access of MTC and index 0 is omitted, so MTC% is equivalent to MTC%(0). See SHOW CODE command example to see how it is compiled.